Data Analysis Insights

Collecting data from across HR (headcount, demographics, compensation, benefits, employee surveys, and performance), I created a report representing a five-year review of the various ways the employee population was changing over time. Examining numerous indicators of both employee success and company success, this report was used as an important touchstone for the planning of strategic HR activities for the next few years.

Given my background in multiple HR fields, and my skill in data manipulation and analysis, I lead the effort to gather and combine the data for these analyses. Based on historical trends we projected what the future might look like in terms of:

  • Geographic office needs given turnover and hiring trends
  • Diversity given demographic shifts
  • Leadership given retirement risks and succession plans
  • And more

Leadership Development ROI analysis

Using twenty years of basic HRIS data, I conducted an analysis to explore the utility of a long running leadership development program. Working with the CLO and Global Head of OD, we settled on focusing the analysis on changes in promotion likelihood and retention rates.

I built a dashboard (using the Shiny package in R) to illustrate all participants across 20 years of history. The user could explore the visuals and analyses, controlling for the year and level in the organization the participant was at when they began the program. Analyses included the likelihood for participants to be promoted to a given level or retained for a given number of years, all compared to non-program participating peers.

This analysis illustrated that program participants were more likely to reach senior levels of leadership and considerably more likely to be retained over 10 years than a peer. While the causality was hard to establish clearly given limitations of the data set, this analysis provided previously unseen valuable insights.