Early Career Coaching

Get ahead by understanding yourself, and your situation better

Many early career professionals find themselves feeling in over their heads and alone as they try to find their way through those early workplace experiences. Speaking to someone who understands workplace dynamics, the psychology of personality, and HR systems can help you more effectively and confidently deal with it all.

Tying together my work in academia, expertise in work psychology, and my experience consulting with HR, I provide coaching services for anyone dealing with work-related issues. I have worked with numerous current and recent Graduate students, both at the Masters and PhD level, embarking on new careers. With these students I have provided several services:

  • Review resumés, social media & make recommendations to get past the software screener
  • Prepare to make the most of interview opportunities
  • Think about how to set yourself up to achieve long-term goals
  • Advise on variety of workplace issues, and provide techniques for managing work stressors

In addition to these services, I am also Hogan certified. I am happy to administer this workplace personality measure, and help my clients process what the output means for them and their career. This tool can help you understand what motivates you about your work and work environment, and become more aware of your strengths and weaknesses in the workplace so you can learn to put your best foot forward.